Hypnobirthing Courses
Cost: £295
Best Births provides a comprehensive evidence-based antenatal education course which incorporates hypnobirthing theory. The course is designed to provide pregnancy and birth information and hypnotherapy techniques in a relaxed and informal way. The course is being delivered in a variety of ways: on a 1-2-1 basis, via Zoom or face-to-face, and in small groups at the Broadstone Chiropractic Clinic.
The course is made up of four 2-hour sessions and is tailored to meet your individual needs and help you achieve the calm and safe birth your body is designed for. After each class you will have techniques to practise and time in the following class to discuss how you found the experience. Included in the course are: relaxation MP3s, a pack of beautiful Positive Affirmation cards and a course booklet.
The knowledge you gain will help you to understand and deal with the changes you experience in pregnancy and to prepare for birth and parenthood. We are passionate about helping women to be informed about their pregnancies and the options they have for care. The research shows that women who undertake good quality antenatal education classes have better health outcomes for themselves and their babies and it is our aim to help women to have the best pregnancy and birth experience possible.
Course Dates
The next 4 week Group Hypnobirthing course starts in Broadstone on Wednesday 4th October
Course Content
Health and wellbeing before birth
Understanding the physical and emotional changes you are experiencing in pregnancy
Creating strategies for developing and maintaining physical and mental wellbeing
Techniques for achieving a state of deep relaxation
How to empower yourself and enhance your confidence in your ability to birth well
Labour and Birth
Choices for place of birth
Positions and activity for labour
Physiology of labour - understanding the hormones of labour that enable you to birth easily
What you can do to support yourself during labour and birth
Things your partner can do to support you in labour - massage, visualisations and advocacy
Skin-to-skin contact with your baby
Your baby’s microbiome
Feeding your baby
Vitamin K prophylaxis
When medical interventions are needed
Induction of labour
Augmentation of labour
Assisted birth
Caesarean section birth
Wellbeing after birth
Looking after yourself – sleep, eat, rest, repeat
Adjusting to parenthood
Caring for your baby