FAQs for Hypnobirthing
What is hypnobirthing?
Hypnobirthing is a birth education programme that teaches simple self-hypnosis, relaxation and breathing techniques which support and promote normal, calm birth.
Who is hypnobirthing suitable for?
Hypnobirthing can be used by first time mums and mums who already have children. Because it is generally so helpful I have incorporated it into one class along with more traditional birth preparation information. It helps women who are anxious because they have not done it before and also women who would like to have a better experience this time and to be confident in their ability to birth easily and safely.
What are the benefits of hypnobirthing?
Because hypnobirthing helps you to feel calm and relaxed it has many physical and psychological benefits. These include: fewer premature births, fewer medical interventions in pregnancy and labour, fewer assisted births and caesarean sections, decreased pain in labour, decreased use of pharmacological pain relief in labour, shorter labours, fewer episiotomies. Partners feel involved in the birth and able to help you and babies are generally born in healthier condition and are calmer.
Will I feel 'out of it' if I use hypnobirthing?
No you will still be aware of what is going on around you but you will be 'zoned out' from the distractions which can interfere with birth and able to focus on achieving the birth you have visualised.
Will my partner find the course useful?
Your partner will be able to learn with you about how your body changes in pregnancy and is able to birth your baby safely and to practise the relaxation, breathing and visualisation techniques with you during your pregnancy. They will then know how to best support you when you are in labour and help you to remain calm and relaxed as you work towards birthing your baby.
When should I do the course?
Any time after 16 weeks will work well. The success of the course is based on how much you practise the different hypnobirthing techniques you are shown, so doing it earlier rather than later will give you the time you need.
Do I need to bring anything to the course?
Currently all courses are being delivered on a 1-2-1 basis via Zoom. A pen and paper may be useful, so you can make notes or jot down questions as they occur to you. Wearing comfortable clothing and setting up your computer or tablet somewhere you can relax will be helpful.