Courses & Fees
The course is designed to provide pregnancy and birth information and hypnotherapy techniques in a relaxed and informal way. You can join in with the small group classes held on Wednesday evenings, or if you prefer you can have individual classes taught either in my home near Poole or in the privacy of your own home. The group classes are held in Broadstone, Dorset and I am happy to travel within a 10 mile radius for individual classes.
The Best Births course is made up of 4 sessions lasting 2 hours each. The classes are tailored to meet your individual needs and help you to achieve the calm and safe birth your body was designed for. You will then have lots of practise to do at home.
What you can expect from the course:
How to achieve a state of deep relaxation whenever you want or need to, whilst being in control and completely aware of what is happening around you.
How your body works to birth your baby.
Understand which hormones are needed for you to easily and safely birth and how your body must move to help this process.
How to empower yourself and enhance your confidence in your ability to birth well.
Support that will enable you to be calm and in control no matter how your baby arrives.
How to address any fears or concerns you may have about birth.
Breathing techniques you can use in labour to help you remain calm and in control.
Simple massage techniques your partner can use in pregnancy and labour.
Vaginal stretching methods to help reduce vaginal and perineal tears or the need for episiotomy.
Included in all courses:
Relaxation MP3s
Pack of beautiful Positive Affirmation Cards
Course booklet.
Group Hypnobirthing Course
Next available evening course starts October 4th 2023
4-week small group hypnobirthing course. These are held in Broadstone, Dorset.
£295 per couple.
All payments in advance via the website booking system.
Private Hypnobirthing Course
Please email to arrange your personal course.
These courses are designed to meet your individual needs, and whilst they contain the main body of content of the 4-week course they will also address areas of specific interest or concern for you.
I primarily teach these from my own home near Poole at the rate of £325 per couple. Alternatively, I can travel to your home, within a 10 mile radius of my home, at a rate of £395 per couple.
All payments in advance.
Antenatal Breastfeeding Education Classes
This course provides information about breastfeeding. It is designed for those who intend to breastfeed or those who simply want to find about more about breastfeeding before deciding how they will feed their babies. It will teach how birth can affect breastfeeding, how milk is produced and how to position and attach a baby to the breast so that feeding is effective and pain free.
The is a two-hour session and costs £95 per couple. Please email to arrange a booking.
All payments in advance.
Postnatal Breastfeeding Support
I have a special interest in supporting women who choose to breastfeed, helping them to establish feeding and overcome problems they experience. The fee is £60 per hour and I will provide as much time and support as you need. This support can be provided remotely via video conferencing or in person where appropriate and where your specific needs have been assessed. Please email or call to arrange any support you need.
All payments in advance.